SLISE: Network SLIce SEcurity for next generation communications

Record: EXP00146157/MIG-20211019. Title of the Project: Network Slice Security for next generation communications. Acronym: SLISE. Beneficiary: Sistemas Integrados de Servicios de Telecontrol, S.L.

SLISE: Network SLIce SEcurity for next generation communications

Project budget: 1.330.719,00 €
Place of execution: Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
Execution time: 22/12/2021 – 31/12/2024

Project Objectives:

The objective of the SLISE project is to mitigate the vulnerabilities that the new virtualization technologies adopted massively at the core of the 5G architecture (that are already part of the technical drafts of the sixth generation) have dragged into the new paradigm of communications as a service. Specifically, research into new algorithms is proposed: incident analysis, encryption, radio attack detection identification and automated response; in a more flexible context to face the risks inherent to virtualization technologies: Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Slicing (NS).


SLISE: Network SLIce SEcurity for next generation communications

Centros tecnológicos:

Gradiant, Vicomtech, Ikergune, Innovalia) y la Universidad Politécnica

  • de Madrid (UPMGradiant
  • Vicomtech
  • Ikergune
  • Innovalia
  • Universidad Politécnicade Madrid (UPM)